Tuesday, May 17, 2005

This is where we will do in-class exercises so that we can look at alternative revision possibilities. I hope this will make it easier for you to compare ideas . My first edits will be with color text. I will highlight the parts of your work which need improvement. ( Of course these do not represent all the possible corrections. More detailed feedback will be put on printed classwork.) The colors will represent problem areas and should help you see patterns in your mistakes:

Red for punctuation and capitalization (mechanics)

Blue for word problems such as: word choice or word order, missing articles or other missing words, preposition problems (clarity)

Yellow for spelling

Green for grammar: subject-verb agreement, sentence structure, incorrect verb form, run-on sentences, sentence fragments

Remember that your post should begin with your name and the name of the assignment. To be safe, you should do your work in a word-processing format and then copy-paste into the weblog because sometimes the posts get lost or don't publish correctl

How to Write a Paragraph

How to Write a Paragraph

  1. Before you write

    A. Choose a topic

    1.Assigned by the teacher

    2.Your own choice

    B. Get ideas by

    1. Brainstorming

    2.Making lists

    3. Drawing pictures

    C. Decide on a Controlling Idea and write a Topic Sentence

    1. Make sure the style (narrative, cause and effect, etc.) is clear

    2. Make sure you have included details

    D. Choose your main points

    1. From step B select useful information

    2. Add more information if necessary

    E. Find details and examples to support main points

    F. Make an Outline

  2. Write the Paragraph

    A.Use the correct format

    1. Indent

    2. Double space

    3. Use margins on both sides of the paper

    B. Use the outline and key vocabulary

    C. Use a variety of sentence structures

    1. Simple

    2. Compound

    3. Complex

    D. Write a conclusion that summarizes the main points

  3. Check your work

    A. Spelling

    B. Subject-verb agreement

    C. Complete sentences